BASA Soccerween

BASA Soccerween, our annual Soccer Tournament held in Bay City, Michigan is an exciting event that marks the end of the season with a day filled with fun and competition. Teams from across the region come together to showcase their skills while donning creative costume uniforms. Prizes are awarded in each age bracket for the best costumes. Each team is guaranteed three games, ensuring a day packed with soccer excitement. For any inquiries, please reach out to us at
Soccerween Schedule
Soccerween Team Costume List
Please click this link below to enter your teams costume choice for the 2024 Soccerween Tournament
Soccerween Field Map
soccerween parking & shuttle information
Parking is traditionally an issue at the Soccerween tournament - especially weekends like this when we have unseasonably nice weather. BASA is providing full day shuttle service so that we can use the parking lots shown in the Parking and Shuttle Map. Please DO NOT park on the grass at the ISD Parking Lot. Further RV's are welcome at BASA but not in the ISD lot or BASA Complex Parking lot. See the map for the acceptable RV locations.
Soccerween Rules
soccerween photos

2024 BASA Soccerween
We will see you in Bay City for the 2024 BASA Soccerween Tournament -
Boys Day - Saturday October 26th
Girls Day - Sunday October 27th
See page for tournament info.